我们怎么从来没有见你们一个个amazon prime 3 天delivery 2天没送到就上论坛说amazon 诈骗呢。我们怎么没有看到whole foods买到烂苹果去找退款然后说人家诈骗?甚至为什么别网站和你说:work day monday to friday 8 to 5pm你就可以接受。反而到了我们 一、没错过ddl,二、没影响你事情,三、不在工作时间 就反应这么大,直接上升到诈骗。这个问题在于客户心虚,不代表我们做的不对或者不好。以你们出的价格,不要说雇一个0.1%名校毕业生了,连国内三四本本科生在读都雇佣不起,我们的对赌价格也不是白给报的。
Thank you for the response, wordsmeetletters. If the client were to remove all the posts regarding this case, will wordsmeetletters be willing to take down all your posts, comments, and pictures that are potentially defaming the client? In other words, does wordsmeetletters and the client have an agreement that both parties turn the page?
we will work with the potential administrator of this site and also redit to removal relevant post. But as this is a so poorly managed forum. I do not think they have the resource to respond 24/7.
The client has taken down all the posts on Reddit and has reached out to the customer service on Whatscam with respect to the removal of the client's comments. Moving forward, the client will work with the administrator of this site to meet your needs as well. Thank you.
娱乐娱乐 来个MEME
Assignment的截图已经放上来了,大家对应看就可以。不管是assignment几我们做的绝对不是像一开始说的assignment不是我们做的。成绩就算有一个没出分,其他也有几个是我们的分数。因为这个成绩图都是高分,只有mid2 有问题,所以其他根本不在我们需要争议讨论的范围,也无需质疑我们对100%A的保障。
这个post的post主也是,没有到ddl客服没有回复就放上来了,而且工作时间,网站和微信都标注的非常清楚。而且5分钟的演讲稿要求我们写成1500字的论文。不要说1500字10分钟都读不完,演讲稿和论文的格式,内容和语言都是不一样的。我们甚至之前下单的时候还送了一个propsal满分。作为一个本科生,连这个基础的区别都不知道,甚至对订单送达都没有common sense。你说我们会不会在这个论坛上骂人”白眼狼“?
我们怎么从来没有见你们一个个amazon prime 3 天delivery 2天没送到就上论坛说amazon 诈骗呢。我们怎么没有看到whole foods买到烂苹果去找退款然后说人家诈骗?甚至为什么别网站和你说:work day monday to friday 8 to 5pm你就可以接受。反而到了我们 一、没错过ddl,二、没影响你事情,三、不在工作时间 就反应这么大,直接上升到诈骗。这个问题在于客户心虚,不代表我们做的不对或者不好。以你们出的价格,不要说雇一个0.1%名校毕业生了,连国内三四本本科生在读都雇佣不起,我们的对赌价格也不是白给报的。
关于你jason 这个订单,同样的,我们会觉得给你bundle 打了折,按照平常价格给的,也特地提醒过了是能好就好,而且其他成绩都是高分,甚至满分的情况下,就因为midterm 2不是A,说我们诈骗?然后你们客户还是在作弊?我们会不生气上来骂人么?
对于代写这块业务我们一直都是抱着随缘的态度,普通价格,普通订单能就好。即使这样,我们的质量也是远远above average的。
保a一个单您自己说的是700,最后一致同意1300两个单。您自己也说了不保a就500的单,逻辑上讲两个不保a的单就是1000. 那客服说“1300一起下单一个考试加一个final两个时长一样,但需要一起下单。” 客户也同意了。难道这样的逻辑关系贵公司觉得不是保a的单?
Thank you for the response, wordsmeetletters. If the client were to remove all the posts regarding this case, will wordsmeetletters be willing to take down all your posts, comments, and pictures that are potentially defaming the client? In other words, does wordsmeetletters and the client have an agreement that both parties turn the page?
we will work with the potential administrator of this site and also redit to removal relevant post. But as this is a so poorly managed forum. I do not think they have the resource to respond 24/7.
The client has taken down all the posts on Reddit and has reached out to the customer service on Whatscam with respect to the removal of the client's comments. Moving forward, the client will work with the administrator of this site to meet your needs as well. Thank you.
The client only orders pass grades.