
本文是essayquality小编为留学生的一篇课程论文:The Quantitative Stand and Post-positivism定量支架和后实证主义研究,后实证主义可以用于对世界的研究,它本着客观公正的立场对事物进行研究,从而得出较为精确的结果。



In opposition with the Interpretive the Post-positivist assume that thereis an objective unknown reality which can be discovered,they maintain a distant and impartial position with the object of study to eliminate any possible bias.和后实证主义认为的形式上的目标未知的世界不同,他们对研究对象保持一个遥远的和公正的立场,以消除任何可能出现的偏差。


Post-positivism may be applied to the social world on the assumption that‘the social world can be studied in the same way as the natural world,that there is a method for studying the social world that is value free,and that explanations of a causal nature can be provided’(Mertens,2005,p.8).The Post-positivist paradigm is very frequently associated with deductive or descriptive approaches and delivers a single type of reality,either the hypothesis are rejected or are confirmed.




As a consequence from the application of this type of approach the quanti-tative findings in this report are exposed in a formal and objective style whilespace for the researcher own elaborations will be reserved to the conclusionsand recommendation sections.


Post-positivism,however,relaxes the extreme determinism of positivismby accepting that theories are provisional and that new understandings maychallenge the whole theoretical framework.Table 5.1 shows the differentrole that that the Post-positivist and Interpretivist paradigms play in theresearch and how the final data merger and interpretation will take place ina Pragmatic framework.


Table 5.1:Paradigms predominance in the research designResearch Phases Postpositivism Interpretivism PragmatismQUAL Analysis XQUANT Analysis XResults Compari-son and Interpreta-tionXSource:Adapted from Creswell and Clark(2007,p.24).
