




Do not evaluate ideas during this stage - concentrate on generating many ideas as possible. Bad ideas often trigger good ones. 5. Selection & Evaluation Once you have a number of possible solutions to your problem, it is time to select the best one. The best solution may be obvious. If it is not, then it is important to think through the criteria you will use to select the best idea. The Decision Making Techniques section of Mind Tools lays out a number of good methods for this. Particularly useful techniques may be Decision Trees, Paired Comparison Analysis and Grid Analysis. Once you have selected an idea, develop it as far as possible. It is then essential to evaluate it to see if it is good enough to be worth using. It is important not to let your ego get in the way of your common sense. If your idea does not give big enough benefit, then either see if you can generate more ideas, or restart the whole process. You can waste years of your life developing creative ideas that no-one wants. There are two excellent techniques for doing this. One is Edward de Bono's 6 Thinking Hats, which is an excellent tool for qualitative analysis. The other is Cost/Benefit Analysis, which gives you a good basis for financially based decisions.


14 Unfortunately we get stuck in our patterns. We tend to think within them - solutions we develop are based on previous solutions to similar problems. Normally it does not occur to us to use solutions belonging to other patterns. We use lateral thinking techniques to break out of this patterned way of thinking. Lateral thinking techniques help us to come up with startling, brilliant and original solutions to problems and opportunities. It is important to point out that each type of approach has its strength. Logical, disciplined thinking is enormously effective in making products and services better. It can, however, only go so far before all practical improvements have been carried out. Lateral thinking can generate completely new concepts and ideas, and brilliant improvements to existing systems. In the wrong place, however, it can be sterile or unnecessarily disruptive. Taking the best of each... A number of techniques fuse the strengths of the two different strands of creativity. Techniques such as the Concept Fan use a combination of structured and lateral thinking. DO IT and Min Basadur's Simplex embed the two approaches within problem solving processes. While these would 'overkill' on minor problems, they provide excellent frameworks for solving difficult and serious ones. The Creative Frame of Mind.


Description, Feelings and Evaluation


Firstly, at the moment when Brussels Laser rejected our request to shorten delivery time with unchanged prices and proposed a 2% increase in price, I felt negative sentiments within myself, because I interpreted the counterparty as being aggressive. 


Together with my team, we switched our negotiation tactic from integrative to distributive. This reaction was good in the sense that we raise our position when things were not going in our preferred direction. A stronger stand may help us to get what we want. However, on the other hand, I felt that the switch was too fast. 


We have not explained our rationale for wanting a quicker delivery and neither expressed our willingness to corporate with Brussels Laser in order to work out a mutually beneficial deal. In essence, we have not adequately and appropriately used the integrative tactic.




In that situation, there was a clear lack of expert power on our part, because we had not assembled useful information about the Japanese deal to support our stand that we can go for that deal if Brussels Laser did not agree on our terms. 


The lack of expert power put us in a weak position in our arguments. Furthermore, with the perception that we have a stronger power in the negotiation, we adopted the attitude of “all-or-nothing” , which is not an advised position to take in a negotiation (Watkins, 2002). 


Such attitude, while might work out in some unlikely circumstances, usually gives the impression of unwillingness to cooperate and gives rise to risk of being taken by surprise.
