加拿大网课代修代写_Thesis Statements的写作技巧

加拿大网课代修加拿大网课代写Thesis Statements写作技巧、加拿大专业网课代修.(www.essayquality.com)成立于2010年,专注于为留学生提供论文代写、网课代修代上及留学相关的服务,拥有丰富的经验,质量...



*Thesis Statements的界说

*什么是thesis statement?

你写的每一篇论文应该有一个要害、一个首要的主意、或许中心思想。 论文的观念应该反映出你首要的主意。 捉住你的首要主意的这句话便是咱们所说的thesis statement。


* Thesis statement需求写多长呢?

Thesis statement是用一两句话将你的主意会集概括出来, 它应该反映出你文章的主题而且你要对主题的了解做一个议论。你文章的thesis statement应该奉告你的读者你的文章是关于什么的,而且能够经验你论文的写作,使你的写作一向会集在观念在上。


*你的thesis statement写在哪里?

为了标明你的文章的心境,给读者一个方向,你应该早点在论文中写thesis statement,比如在论文开始的introduction中,假定你的论文比较长,也能够写在论文的第二段。


主张: 写一个成功的thesis statement:

•防止将thesis statement写在阶段的中心或许文章的究竟。




*你的thesis statement写得详细吗?

你的thesis statement应该尽或许清楚而且详细。通常当你持续修正论文时,你会改进你的观念,所以当你证明的时分你会得到对观念更好的了解,你的论文也将得改进。



•是否有两种并排联接词将你的statement联接起来: ((i.e. “and,” “but,” “or,” “for,” “nor,” “so,” “yet”)?

•你的隶属连词是否能帮你正确联接两个语句?(i.e. “through,” “although,” “because,” “since”)




*你的thesis statement是否太笼统了?





Original thesis:

There are serious objections to today’s horror movies.

Revised theses:

Because modern cinematic techniques have allowed filmmakers to get more graphic, horror flicks have desensitized young American viewers to violence.

The pornographic violence in “bloodbath” slasher movies degrades both men and women.

Today’s slasher movies fail to deliver the emotional catharsis that 1930s horror films did.


*你的thesis statement清楚吗?

你的thesis statement和你的写作相似::它需求尽或许写的清楚。你的thesis statement尽或许写的清楚清楚,会让你的读者更得当的了解你想要表达什么。








假定你不细心说明一下你的意思,这些语句将无法奉告读者任何信息。不要总认为你的语句的意义很明显,读者一下就能够了解你的意思。检查一下是否有需求进行进行说明的条目 (“社会主义”,“商业化”,“社会”),然后在最合适的当地将它们的界说写出来。不要假定,例如,不要认为你了解的社会你的读者也会有相同的了解。为了防止误解,尽或许写详细一些。



Original thesis: Although the timber wolf is a timid and gentle animal, it is being systematically exterminated. [if it’s so timid and gentle — why is it being exterminated?] Revised thesis: Although the timber wolf is actually a timid and gentle animal, it is being systematically exterminated because people wrongfully believe it to be a fierce and cold-blooded killer.



Thesis statement不只需说明文章的主题,它还应当说明你关于这个论题的心境,你方案怎样分析评价这个论题或许问题。简而言之,你有必要选择你文章要说些什么而不是单单陈说一个实践。




Original thesis: In this paper, I will discuss the relationship between fairy tales and early childhood.

Revised thesis: Not just empty stories for kids, fairy tales shed light on the psychology of young children.


Original thesis: We must save the whales.

Revised thesis: Because our planet’s health may depend upon biological diversity, we should save the whales.


Original thesis: Socialism is the best form of government for Kenya.

Revised thesis: If the government takes over industry in Kenya, the industry will become more efficient.


Original thesis: Hoover’s administration was rocked by scandal.

Revised thesis: The many scandals of Hoover’s administration revealed basic problems with the Republican Party’s nominating process.

在你的论文写完之前,你或许无法写出一个无缺的thesis statement。当你深化分析你的主意的时分,thesis statement将不可防止的改动,而且这是一个好的现象。能够先写一个试探性的thesis,跟着分析的深化持续修正。


*仍是你原始的thesis statement吗?




关于你的thesis statement, 准备好答复“So what?”。




Original thesis:

There are advantages and disadvantages to using statistics. (a fill-in-the-blank formula)

Revised theses:

Careful manipulation of data allows a researcher to use statistics to support any claim she desires.

In order to ensure accurate reporting, journalists must understand the real significance of the statistics they report.

Because advertisers consciously and unconsciously manipulate data, every consumer should learn how to evaluate statistical claims.



Original: “Society is…” [who is this “society” and what exactly is it doing?] Revised: “Men and women will learn how to…,” “writers can generate…,” “television addicts may chip away at…,” “American educators must decide…,” “taxpayers and legislators alike can help fix…”

Original: “the media”

Revised: “the new breed of television reporters,” “advertisers,” “hard-hitting print journalists,” “horror flicks,” “TV movies of the week,” “sitcoms,” “national public radio,” “Top 40 bop-til-you-drop…”

Original: “is, are, was, to be” or “to do, to make”

Revised: any great action verb you can concoct: “to generate,” “to demolish,” “to batter,” “to revolt,” “to discover,” “to flip,” “to signify,” “to endure…”


用自己的话写thesis statements;防止引用。发明一个原始的,深入的,是读者形象深的thesis statements。假定你说话啰嗦重复或许抄袭,那你就失去了一个作家的许诺。只有用你自己的主意和文字捉住读者,你才是一个好的作家。

