






请恳求的同学查看自己对PS/CV/RL (全称分别为:personal statement/ curriculum vitae/ recommendation letter)这3样材料的预备情况。除掉那些客观的成绩,这3样材料的重要性显而易见。而在它们之间,并无孰重孰轻的区分——要使用一切材料尽可能自然地展现自己的亮光点和学术能力(潜力)。


1、 cv

cv的总体格局可以参看前人模版(总标题curriculum vitae用3号字,其他标题和正文均小4,标题处都可以加粗,除总标题外的其他标题可有下划线。正文行距为单倍行距)。

Obejective, education(major/degree/gpa), related experience, publications, honors and awards, Courses in Major Field of Study, references等信息可以依次列在cv里边。

Obejective一个经常被问到的问题是:到底申phd仍是申master(也就是哪种被选取的可能更大)?通常系里的网页上会呈现这样几种情况:本科生可以申phd也可以申ma;本科生只能恳求ma,有了ma学历的才干申phd;还有就是系里只需ma,不提供phd。结论是:除了第三种也就是系里没有phd的情况下你恳求ma以外,其他一概恳求phd,而不必去管他本科学历是否有资格申phd。原因就在于:你想学他最好的东西,那就要表达你想读 phd的希望。道理就这么简略。


Related experience可以罗列参加过的查询、实习。当然,这些都应该是和专业相关的履历。其他的内容比方公司实习、学生会团委、班干部、无关竞赛、志愿者都可以省略,只需要写和专业学术有关的东西。在每项活动下面应该附几行文字(5号字,而且行距调小,调成最小值)阐明活动的内容以及自己所承当的任务,做了哪些事情,尽可能扼要、清楚。

Publications指的是学术论文,假设你在恳求时现已有宣告的论文,那是最好的。假设没有宣告,但你知道将会在何时宣告的,可以写上accepted for publication,后边写上要宣告的刊物/时间。假设是现已提交的,但是还不知道是否可以宣告的,也可以写上去,写submitted, in review。

Honors and Awards,假设你有更高档的奖项,那就悉数堆上去吧;奖额高的,还可以把具体金额也写出来。

Courses in Major Field of Study是指附一个专业课的表格,也就是你major gpa是由哪些课程得出的,把它们依照Term/ Course Name/ Credits/ Grades等罗列出来。



ps似乎没什么规则可循,应该是很personal 很special的。

ps是对自己恳求动机一个从头审视的机遇。注意逻辑的连贯性。文科ps,不必罗列gpa/ranking这样的数字,更不要写gt以表现英文水平,因为这些数据简略打断整体的连贯性。也不要为哪门课成绩欠好而去作说明或许编造理由。ps仍是扎扎实实写些自己的想法和研讨情况,特别注意交待清楚研讨方向和爱好地址。可以针对自己做过的topic写些东西和感触就好,但也别扯太远。比方“就事论事”,写了自己做某topic搜集材料完全,发现了对某样东西异乎寻常的说明等等,而这些都是合作writing sample的,也就是说教授看writing sample是可以找到所说的这些东西的。所以,就相当于在ps里把ws最亮光的地方给总结了一下。





However, I believe that the most important concepts that I have espoused in being independent of my parents for half of each year, deal with being a cosmopolitan person. The school's faculty and students are conscious about keeping all of the kids' attention from being based on the school. Every single issue of global concern is brought forth by one group or another whether it be a faculty member, publication, ethnic society, or individual student. Along with being aware of issues of importance, after attending [school's name] my personality has evolved. First, my mannerisms have grown: the school stresses giving respect to everyone and everything. Our former headmaster often said, "Character can be measured not by one's interaction with people who are better off than him or herself, but by one's interactions with those who are worse off." The other prime goal of the school's community is to convert every single timid lower-classman into a loud, rambunctious senior. Basically, if you have an opinion about something, it is wrong not to voice that opinion. Of course, being obnoxious is not the idea. The key is to become a master of communication with teachers, fellow students, all of who are a part of the community, and most importantly, those who are outside of the community.(英国论文网http://www.essayquality.com/)


I do not want to make [school's name] sound as if it produces the perfect students, because it doesn't. But the school deserves a lot of credit for its efforts. Often, some part of the mold does remain. As the college experience approaches, I am still the same person, only modified to better maximize my talents. Although I still have some time to play tennis and see movies, perhaps one of the few similarities between this photograph and me now is my smile.



This essay is fairly well written. The essayist makes boarding school his focus, using it to explain and describe how and why he has changed over the years. A lot of students write about what wonderful people they have become, but they fail to do a good job of understanding and explaining the forces that prevailed to make them change. This writer focuses on the strengths of the school itself. He demonstrates the sort of values it tries to instill in its students such as, "Encouraging us to collaborate with each other and make use of all resources that we may find," and "Giving respect to everyone and everything." Because the writer does so, the reader never doubts that the applicant possesses all the qualities that he credits to the school. Using this method has two advantages. First, the positive, upbeat attitude he has toward his institution is rare. Second, Stanford, for one, recognized that this would reflect well on his ability to adapt to and be a positive force at their school.










In today's competitive business environment,businesses are looking for ways to improve their business results.Employees are one source to achieve competitive advantage.Thus,companies have started to invest in the human resource to unlock employee potential thereby achieving better results.This has given rise to the development of reward management as a tool to achieved desired job outcomes.


The human resource management has many tools that can be applied to manage employee's behaviours.One of the tools is reward management.Applying reward management in organisations can improved business results and a positive shift in employees behaviour and contributions.In order to ensure organizational success,businesses should find a proper mix of rewards that satisfies the personal and financial needs of a current and potential workforce given existing business conditions and cost constraints(WorldatWork,p.XX).Thus,management started to use reward management to motivate employees to work harder,to retain its existing employees,to attract new employees,to increase job satisfaction and commitment to achieve desired business results.


The diagram below shows how the total reward strategy in a company can influence motivation,attraction,retention,satisfaction,engagement and performance and results.


The WorldatWork introduce a total reward framework that will help practitioners think and execute in new ways(WorldatWork 2007)."WorldatWork defines total rewards as the monetary and non-monetary return provided to employees in exchange for their time,talents,efforts and results"(WorldatWork 2007,p.4).It involves the deliberate integration of the five key reward elements:compensation,benefits,work-life,performance and recognition,developments and career opportunities that effectively attract,motivate and retain the talent required to achieve desired business results(WorldatWork 2007).

