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orate Identity. A variety of functions are unknown in organizations and therefore not used. Examples for such functions are the interactive visual exploration of data, the mapping of information to present both an overview and detail, the use of Visual Metaphors to transfer and remember complex concepts, or visual Storytelling to disseminate knowledge.

4.2 Inter-functional communication

Today, the transfer of knowledge needs to overcome another difficult problem: The varying needs and backgrounds of the addressed recipients. In general individuals can only understand something, if it can be connected to something they already know. But this differs. Therefore knowing and addressing the background and the context of the individual recipient is decisive. This results in a complex task for the visual knowledge transfer: On the one hand the visual formats need to be target 怎么写留学作业roup specific, which will result in different formats and different amounts of information depicted; on the other hand these contents that are presented to the different stakeholders should not be contradictory.


4.3 Information overload

Today, we are surrounded by information, but still have a limited capacity (and time) for absorbing new information. In its worst scenario it can lead to an information paralysis where people cannot pickup relevant information anymore. This so called information overload is a predominant problem in organizations. On the one hand we can perceive an increasing quantity of information; on the other hand we can indicate a decreasing quality of the information provided. As a consequence it is hard for recipients to identify the relevant information. The needs, in regard to information overload, are to catch the attention, to offer strategies to better filtering and exploring potentially relevant information, and to improve the information quality systematically. To do so, it is important to prevent misunderstanding, misinterpretation, and misuse of information.


5. Knowledge Visualization Framework


For an effective transfer of knowledge through visualizations four perspectives (Figure 1) should be considered, which are based on four relevant questions:

 Why should knowledge be visualized? (aim)

 What type of knowledge needs to be visualized? (content)

 Who is being addressed? (recipient)

 What is the best method to visualize this knowledge? (medium)

These questions lead to the Knowledge Visualization Framework, which is grounded in previous frameworks [Burkhard, 2004; Eppler and Burkhard, 2005] and can be seen in Figure 1.


Figure1: The Knowledge Visualization Framework


The Knowledge Visualization Framework consists of four perspectives that need to be considered when creating visual representations that aim to transfer and create knowledge: A Function Type Perspective answers why a visualization should be used, a Knowledge Type Perspective clarifies the nature of the content, a Recipient Type Perspective points to the different backgrounds of the recipient/audience, and finally the Visualization Type Perspective structures the main visualization types according to their individual characteristics.











论文代写行业是一片深水, 鱼龙混杂, 仅2019年, 中国留学生人数就超过80万, 肯定会有部分留学生有代写需求的, 这么大一块蛋糕, 不少人都想插一脚, 因此骗子也就越来越多. 如果你急着交论文, 没时间或者没精力写, 找代写是OK的, 但是! 要擦亮眼睛! 仔细辨别对方是否是正规机构, 心太大可不行! 论文代写骗子还是很好识别的, 下面教你几招!


个人写手靠谱吗! No! No! No! 事实证明, 个人写手最需要警惕, 大多数使用一个QQ一个微信就打着论文代写的旗号, 收了钱把人拉黑,是 纯粹的骗子; 有的人copy论文, 相似率高的吓人; 有的人写出的论文逻辑不通, 格式不对, 常常让同学们苦不堪言. 最严重的是不能准时交稿, 常常会无故消失甚至无法联系.


虽然不能说某宝上的百分之百都是骗子, 但基本上操作流程都是:以QQ, 微信等社交媒体派单的方式派发任务, 从中赚差价, 雇佣他人刷好评, 他们是可以完成中英文翻译, 但是不具有写专业学术类Essay的资格.


每年都有很多留学生同学寻找找代写, 有的是因为没时间, 有的是英文基础差或者其他情况等. 其中不少同学是找到不靠谱的代写, 不但没有拿到论文, 钱也打了水漂. 有的人交了钱之后, 连论文的影子都没见到, 就被拉黑了; 有的人交了钱之后, 被拖稿拖到怀疑人生; 有的人交了钱之后, 拿到了论文, 结果查重一看70%+, 复制粘贴产物; 多数结果都是被骗钱, 且拿不到论文.


近年来出现了很多翻译机构, 通过国内寻找中文代写, 之后再找翻译人员进行翻译. 这样的论文是万万不能使用的, 美国, 英国, 加拿大, 澳洲等高等院校对essay的格式和思路都有一定要求的. 要警惕!


报价太低基本都是复制粘贴, 相似率极高; 要知道, 写论文等于创造, 思考, 不是简单的抄袭几篇垃圾东拼西凑就可以的; 认真写的是不会要价那么低的. 说真的, 报价低到离谱你也不会放心; 建议对比市价之后做决定.


在论文代写这个行业中, 与买家接触的大多是论文中介, 少部分是个人写手; 中介就别提了,一遍对客户狮子大开口, 一边对写手进行压榨, 只考虑利益, 不考虑论文质量; 多数写手都是中国高校大学生, 本身英文基础就很差, 另外最重要的是不了解各国essay写作的要求和规则, 常常最好收到的稿件都是中式英文语法和思维. 想通过中介找到优质论文? 这个概率实在是太低了!


一定要找具有Turnitin相似率检测软件的公司, 一个正规的代写公司一定是Turnitin的官方合作伙伴. 尤其是现在形形色色的论文代写公司那么多, 万一找到了不负责的, 导致论文被检测出抄袭, 那结果就很严重了! 专业的公司, 每一篇论文都会经过严格的抄袭检测, 这是对客户的一个基本保障.


正规公司一定是提供24*7小时在线客服团队, 因为同学们经常会遇到紧急的情况, 需要及时联系到. 同时也可以从这点判断这家机构规模, 如果只是小机构, 是无法做到24小时在线客服的.
