
最后编辑于 九月 2012 综合讨论区

2008款 vw Jetta 1.9 柴油 三个车主,跑了8万多一点,他开价2200镑,昨晚email给他,他说他没电话,原文如下,如果可以就下手了,大家帮我辨别一下I apologize for the delay, I'm in the military and that's why I couldn't reply in time. I don't have access to a phone, so we will communicate through e-mails. Anyway, thank you for your interest in buying my car... I'm the third owner. Last price is 2,000. I was deployed yesterday in Gibraltar and I think I'll stay here for a while that's why I'm selling it so cheap. I intend to buy a new car when I'll get back home. I will use a third part to sell this car (PayPal or Escrow.com). Let me know if you are interested in a purchase.



  • 要reg no然后查查车的情况。


  • 一定要用paypal的,很有可能是骗子。。碰到好多了。。要小心!

  • 谢谢楼上各位,不买他的了,第一次在网上买平时买就去garage了!谢谢大家