几个月前,我一次登陆网上银行,一看信用卡当月的 Balance 三千多镑,顿时觉得不对劲,再一看, 发现了一笔一周前我不知情的交易。从交易描述来看是买汽车轮胎。
02/06/201403/06/2014B.P TYRES LIMITED NEWTON ABBOT + Merchant category name: AUTO TIRE STORES £1,779.65
当时是星期天,我立马打信用卡上的24/7的电话, 我说这笔钱不是我花的。其实我还是挺着急的, 生怕万一这钱拿不回来(不小的一笔啊)。银行卡人员叫我不要慌,说是先把我的卡冻结了, 并会马上给我寄来新卡和新号。但是退钱的部门周末没有上班,让我周一再打。
周一的时候我打了电话,说明了情况,银行的人员态度非常好,让我指出还有不是我花的交易,一笔一笔核对,我说确实只有这一笔。于是银行说钱会还给我。过了两天, 我收到了一个表格,让我签名,说这钱确实不是我花的。我迅速的签好就寄回。
过两天, 一看帐号,的确 refund 了, 帐号上显示是
04/06/201412/06/2014FRAUD TRAN ADJ XXXXX £1,779.65CR
银行其实应该有调查的, 这笔交易发生在英国西南部城市 Newton Abbot (我都没听过),我远在北面的 Sheffield 况且当天也用了信用卡吃饭什么的。并且我也没有车, 所以肯定不是我花的。
不过,银行也有问我有没有把卡借别人, 有没有把密码告诉别人, 我都说没有, 因为如果你回答是的话,银行可能就不赔了(部分是你的责任)。
至今我都不知道我的信用卡是如何被盗刷的, 搞不好是在哪家超市被复制卡了,至于密码如何知道的(超过20镑都需要输入密码的),有可能是摄像头吧。。
信用卡被盗刷后好处就是处理过程要比借记卡 (debit card) 简单,因为毕竟信用卡刷的是信誉。至于会不会影响个人信用,这个就不得而知了。有人说你的卡被盗也有一部分是你的责任(保管不善)。
02/06/201403/06/2014B.P TYRES LIMITED NEWTON ABBOT + Merchant category name: AUTO TIRE STORES £1,779.65
当时是星期天,我立马打信用卡上的24/7的电话, 我说这笔钱不是我花的。其实我还是挺着急的, 生怕万一这钱拿不回来(不小的一笔啊)。银行卡人员叫我不要慌,说是先把我的卡冻结了, 并会马上给我寄来新卡和新号。但是退钱的部门周末没有上班,让我周一再打。
周一的时候我打了电话,说明了情况,银行的人员态度非常好,让我指出还有不是我花的交易,一笔一笔核对,我说确实只有这一笔。于是银行说钱会还给我。过了两天, 我收到了一个表格,让我签名,说这钱确实不是我花的。我迅速的签好就寄回。
过两天, 一看帐号,的确 refund 了, 帐号上显示是
04/06/201412/06/2014FRAUD TRAN ADJ XXXXX £1,779.65CR
银行其实应该有调查的, 这笔交易发生在英国西南部城市 Newton Abbot (我都没听过),我远在北面的 Sheffield 况且当天也用了信用卡吃饭什么的。并且我也没有车, 所以肯定不是我花的。
不过,银行也有问我有没有把卡借别人, 有没有把密码告诉别人, 我都说没有, 因为如果你回答是的话,银行可能就不赔了(部分是你的责任)。
至今我都不知道我的信用卡是如何被盗刷的, 搞不好是在哪家超市被复制卡了,至于密码如何知道的(超过20镑都需要输入密码的),有可能是摄像头吧。。
信用卡被盗刷后好处就是处理过程要比借记卡 (debit card) 简单,因为毕竟信用卡刷的是信誉。至于会不会影响个人信用,这个就不得而知了。有人说你的卡被盗也有一部分是你的责任(保管不善)。
If you suffer from sleep apnea, you should use a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine while sleeping. This will help you treat your sleep apnea and get you on the path to having a full nights sleep. This machine uses either a face or nasal mask to pump air while you sleep.
Try your best to lay off tobacco and nicotine products. Cigarette smoke can irritate your upper airway causing it to swell up, subsequently hindering your ability to breath during the night. Quitting smoking could therefore, significantly improve your sleep apnea symptoms and will also improve your body's overall health and your feelings of well-being.
Improve your sleep apnea by slimming down a bit. Recent research showed dramatic improvements in overweight men who shed 25 pounds over a period of one year to reduce sleep apnea symptoms. In some cases, the weight loss resulted in a cure of sleep apnea where no further treatment of the condition was necessary.
Sleeping at a high altitude can worsen your sleep apnea because of the lower levels of oxygen. If you are going to a place located higher than what you are used to, take a CPAP machine with you. The best thing to do would be to completely avoid high altitude.
Attempt side sleeping. Many people with sleep apnea are used to sleeping on their backs. When you sleep on your back it can cause your throat and mouth tissues to impede your airways. Instead, you should sleep on your side and that can help your breathe much better. Put a pillow on your side if you always find yourself moving around during sleep.
An excellent way to help lessen the effects of sleep apnea is by losing weight. Sometimes, losing weight is all it takes to get rid of sleep apnea. Even a nominal amount of weight loss will go a long way in improving your breathing at night.
If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, it is important to avoid drinking alcohol. Alcoholic beverages will relax the muscles in your throat, which makes it more likely that they will block your airway during your sleep. At the very least, avoid any alcoholic beverages in the evening before you get ready for bed.
Minimize your risk from the conditions causing sleep apnea. Some sleep apnea risk factors cannot be changed, like genetic or hereditary reasons. But others, such as weight smoking and drinking, can be controlled.
Sleep apnea can cause many problems beyond just the inability to get a good night's sleep. If you let your condition go untreated, it may get worse over time. Getting enough sleep is crucial to your overall level of health, so start using the tips you have read in this article right away to find relief.